Friday, December 19, 2008

December 18, 2008

(This is for yesterday, the 18th, even though it's the 19th today... I was too stressed out yesterday to post this but even now I'm really upset by Christian...)

...-deep breath-...


Sofia told me that Christian may have not been going to the State Museum with us while we were at the skating rink (we walked while people played broomball). But after she said that I must have had a look on my face because she appologized for telling me.

I asked her why he wouldn't go, and she didn't know.

So when I got home, I asked Christian over think.

He told me he wasn't.

So I asked him why.

...He said to ask Utah and that he'd think of it smart of me to not go.

...So I didn't question that and asked Utah.

He didn't really explain WHY he wasn't going or why it was smart of me not to go, but instead wrote out the situation of people, but it ended up where Christian could have still went (we haven't went yet, this entry is around/after 9 AM- we're saposed to be there around 12:50-1:00.)

...Oh crap. I just noticed Utah asked me if I knew why Christian asked me my favorite resteraunt, but I never replied. (I didn't give a good answer anyways!)


And so then Christian came back on and offered to explain and appologized for being cross.

But then he wouldn't get to it and after a few messages he asked me if I was going to BETRAY him by going.

He then told me anyone who goes to the State Museum is no longer a close friend.

...I didn't even know what the heck was up yet!

"Christian is just being difficult...
He should take his anger out on the person that deserves it... If he can't do that than he can direct it towards me... He doesn't need to blame you guys for anything..." Says Vincent.

If I was you I wouldn't want to be involved in any exclusion.It is mean and hurtful." Came from Christian... Which made me guess that if he was me he would stay away from the get-together to not be excluded by him. But now that I'm writing this I know what he meant- I wouldn't want to be involved in something that people are excluding him from, however that's working... I don't know how it is though...

"Don't get involved in the problems between him and Utah...
Believe me, it's best to remove yourself from their squabbles..." Said Vincent.

I did, but after this from Christian:
I am very angry right now. The people going are no friend's of mine."

Which meant me.

Vincent finally offered to change the subject, at the peak of the steam, and so we did.

But while we talked calmly, Christian kept trying to apollogize.

"I"m Sorry
But The issues aren't between Me and Utah. They are between Me and EVERY BODY WHO IS BULLYING ME!"

And so I asked him who was bullying him.

"Lets see...
Every body who is going to the get together.The very ''Friends" who are excluding me."

That just got me even more upset.

I WANTED him to go.

I never told him he couldn't.

That's why I asked him if he was still coming with a SMILE.

He then said:
I hope you can forgive Me. But I wouldn't want to be the person at the receiving end of my anger when My John Lennon Cd is interrupted...Sorry"


I then told him how upset this was getting me, but I can't remember if I gave an explanation or not... I won't check his messages.

Well you know how I feel now."


We then stopped talking.

But then Vincent comes up with this:
"Do you by chance have a thing for him?
It's seems like you do, if you can't say just change the subject or something..."

And so I changed the subject.

We then just continued to talk until he left to watch the Colts game- he stayed while the Sport Gods were eating him.

And so I'm going to go while Christian proceeds with his plan to hate me.


I'll text Sofia about it while we're there.



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