Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January 7, 2009



-dies inside-

...Oh well.

At least I left 3/5ths of it to let Utah and Christian destroy.


But yeah, I'm saying this because Ms. K was found guilty of 3 of the 5 charges brought against her. The only ones she was charged for were Petty Theft, Mischevious Behavior, and Disordery Conduct.

Me and Sofia were her defenders, but Vincent Personal Opinion (whole name in my perspective) had Mr. Neureiter on his side, plus Raelon, who were both called to the stand by Mr. Personal Opinion.

Mr. Neureiter crossed his fingers while taking oath and so he lied here and there while Vincent questioned him. Ms. K and I were cracking up behind Sofia and Jeromy (Sofia's the main attorney and Jeromy's on the team also) because Mr. Neureiter was saying ridiculous things she obviously (to us) wouldn't do and were total lies.


"Objection! Personal Opinion is not fact!"

And at one point Mr. Personal Opinion even called Ms. K up to the stand and kept asking her different versions of the SAME QUESTION about collaberating with Mr. Neureiter.

But yeah... in the end we won almost half of the charges off of Ms. K.

...Ms. K knew they found her guilty because the jury wouldn't look at her.

In the end, Ms. K actually did NOT do anything that involved putting the crime scene together under the school in the basements. All she did was collaberate with Mr. Neureiter.

...And go into the school building with Mr. Neureiter on a Saturday and go into everyone's rooms saying, "Oooh, we could use this!" and taking it to use for the crime scene.

No one knows they're missing anything yet.


Sunday, January 4, 2009

January 4th, 2009



And not as a rap term.


We have finally arrived back from Great Wolf Lodge in Ohio for my birthday party where I took Hannah and Mary Nell with me.

Today was fine, but the only thing I was disappointed at was that only one of my friends from school that wasn't with me at the time told me "Happy Birthday!".

And that was Vincent.

And I had to REMIND him.


Oh well, my birthday still went okay.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

December 30, 2008

Mary Nell and I were to go to Twilight today, but the times were screwed up.

And so I went over to her house to eat her instead.

The whole day I was texting Vincent over random crap, and the most popular topic was Taylor Swift's album "Fearless" against the Twilight soundtrack.

Now how awesome is that?

But there was also other stuff that happened while Mary Nell was attempting to entertain me with My Sims Kingdom.

Christian called while Mary Nell and I were heading to Qdoba to eat.

He asked for Vincent's cell phone number but I warned him that I was in a 100 yard radius of Mary Nell.

And so he backed off of creating a conversation and got off of the phone after getting what he needed.

Ha, my friends scare him away.

...If only I had told him I liked him when he asked.


Sunday, December 28, 2008

December 28, 2008

Soooo close to 2009!

I'm not ready to have the greatest year of my life! (most of you won't get this unless you know me...)

...Well, maybe I am.


But almost everyone but me has already had theirs, if you go by age and believe in it like me...

Oh well, it's me that I'm hoping the best for next year- they can go have a less-exciting year, but with the same ammount of fun. ;D

I just wish it worked out where you always have an exciting year. Every year.



Did I tell you me and Christian are 3 years apart?! D':

I didn't find out until Friday...

Thanks Hannah.

But I'm fine with it.

I don't care about age gaps.

Well, nothing much happened today.

I woke up somewhere in the morning, then at 1, and then went back to sleep until 2 just incase we were to go to pitching practice today- So that if my father remembered, it would be too late.


I'm so full of awesomeness.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

December 26 and 27, 2008


I went over to Hannah's house yesterday to sleep over.

It was quite fun.

...But not that entertaining.

We played her new wii for a sum of the time, but then we got bored with it and texted and called Vincent.

It's very entertaining to annoy him.


We were in Hannah's room at the time and so we were able to talk about whatever... interesting thing we were doing, and so Vincent brought up what him and Christian talk about the most besides the first most talked about thing (which must have been Sofia and me)- Deoderant.

...Which makes no sense to me at all.

Then we began to draw randomly with my gel pens, and which made him ask what was so exciting about talking about drawing.

Confusing, yes it was.

But we ended up having a song battle (however that works out- but it did, I'd say!).

Hannah would put a song on her iPod and turn it up while putting the phone up to the stereo, and then Vincent would do it himself after.

It was entertaining yet... annoying.

Then we finally got off the phone, played a little DDR, and then went to bed in Hannah's bedroom to watch TV and then fall asleep 2 hours apart from eachother- she went to sleep at 12 and I went to sleep at 2 AM (we had to lug up the mattress from the basement- it was hard, but we did it swiftly!).

We counted on Vincent to be an annoyee for us today, and so we texted him for a while, but to annoy him.

We were succeeding, but then he sicked Christian on me and threatened to make him call me after they got off of the phone with eachother. (He's in Fort Wayne btw- Christian is.)

...And so he did.

Christian was sent to annoy me but it's pretty hard for him to annoy ME- and so he claimed we annoyed him instead and saved himself by getting off of the phone with me. xD

But we continued to text Vincent after that and he made a remark that Christian probably wasn't really annoyed- Because it's impossible for Sofia to annoy him, and me and Christian must have the same connection.


But yeah, we continued to text and play DDR down in the basement- Yay, Butterfly is fun on every version of DDR! (It's at Great Wolf Lodge and I play it every time we visit, and it was also on Hannah's version at her house.)

...And so I was finally picked up at 7 PM.

And the fun boreDOOMness ended with a slow, painful death.


The most funny remarks of the sleepover... Well, the best one was the fact that Christian's stalking us.


We were rolling on the floor laughing when Vincent brought up Christian and the joke was brought up. We were using it the whole time I was at her house!

"...I think someone bought weed from the corner." -Vincent

"I bet Hannah keeps a sharpie in her pocket." -Vincent (Inside joke ;D)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

December 23, 2008

Christian just called me again.

He seems to ask questions a lot...

"What type of phone do you have?"
"Do you know your phone plan?" Oh, sorry Mister, I should probably know that or I might be in trouble if my phone's stolen! -nerdy arm swing-

"I was thinking about getting a hair cut and I wanted to see if you had any ideas..."

Oh well. He's prolly just plotting like he usually is.


December 22, 2008

(I've been behind a day it seems... Sorry!)

Nothing spectacular today.

It's not fun to sit around all day with boredom weighing down both of your shoulders.

But Krista has introduced me to a lot of new... friends.

Very scary friends.

The only thing that was kind of exciting today was that Hannah called me, and guess what?

She has a boyfriend now!

I'm so alooooooone.

His name is Michael, and he is a mystery person for now because her phone was going dead.

Well, I don't have to worry- I'll have Christian soon (hopefully)!